Welcome to the offical blogspot of the Talladega High School Band Drum Major. Here you will find annoucements, tips, information and updates from and about the THS Drum Major.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Just A Quick Note....

I'd just love to say how happy i am with the amount of progress that we made this week during rookie band camp with our freshman. I think it was remarkably successful and it makes me even more anxious to get this show on the road and begin putting our plans on the field for this years show! Congrats and a pure hats-off to everyone who came out and gave it their all under the elements of the heat and everything else.
Let's keep in mind that all updates and information about our full band rehersal dates/times are kept on the main page of the band's website at WWW.DegaBand.Com. It may also be smart to begin thinking of how you want to prepare for the heat this summer. Make sure your going to be protected from the sun with good sunscreen, a hat maybe, or maybe sunglasses. Staying hydrated is very important, so bring enough water to last! I dont think passing out will be on anyone's agenda during camp!
I do hope that everyone has a great summer and enjoy's their time off as much as possible! If you have any further questions feel more than free to contact me or your sectionleaders for further assistance.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Marching Band!

It's 90 degrees outside, everyone is staying inside at all costs, and what do bands do? Get out there and march and play so that they can present an entertaining show for each and every football game and practice until its perfect enough to take it to competition.

Most of the time this entails standing in a position, responding to instructions as you move from position to position and somehow playing at the same time, then doing it over and over again until you have as perfect as possible.

Have you ever wondered how all of those little dots get on the paper, or how you are told where to go. Is it magic? Here is an interesting website that gives you a small and fun glimpse into the production side of the Marching Band Show process. Click here

Here you can watch shows that other people created, as well as create your own show. Its a fun way to try your hand at creating a marching band show and going wherever your imagination leads!


Sunday, June 8, 2008

Freshman Band Week is here!

Freshman Band Week begins Monday, June 9, 2008, at the THS bandroom. Camp will be held from 8 a.m. until 11:30 a.m., Monday thru Thursday.


Percussion camp for the Pit is also during this time.

Be sure to dress in cool clothing, bring lots of sunscreen and cool liquid for hydration! We look forward to getting started with the newest members of the THS band. See you next week!

Please refer to http://www.degaband.com/ for up to date calendar information!